More from A G Johnson


 Illustrated by A. G. Johnson

 A collection of funny sayings and complementary drawings.

Christmas Squeaks 
Written and Illustrated by A. G. Johnson

A brother and sister are left at home a few days before Christmas when they discover one of their cats has brought a live mouse inside and tried to hide it under the Christmas tree. The sister freaks out while the brother remains calm and collected. 

Written and Illustrated by A. G. Johnson

Eclair, known to her friends as Clair, is struggling in life. Her friends recommend that she go to a singles camp to meet someone new. Matt is a struggling actor working at the camp for the summer. Their meeting is inevitable, but their love is unplanned...  

 Animal Alphabet Attack! 
Written and Illustrated by A. G. Johnson

In this unique take on a classic, we give you a list of animals from A to Z. You will get up close and personal with some well known and some rare animals and find out first-hand how dangerous some of them can be. 
The Spirit of Santa
Written and Illustrated by A. G. Johnson

This story is for all those who no longer believe in Santa Claus and for those who are searching for meaning at Christmas time. It states that although Santa Claus isn't real in the way that he is portrayed in books, movies, and television shows, the spirit of Santa can be found everywhere when you truly look for it.

  Amazon Author Page: A. G. Johnson

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