Thursday, February 4, 2016

Funny Random Thought for the Day.

I was out with my family, driving around town when we passed a junior high school. The saying on the school sign read, "Wrestling is the" I read it to my husband and we laughed. It was so obviously thought up by a teacher since that particular saying has not been “en vogue” since the 1990’s when my husband and I were in junior high and high school.

The rest of the drive my husband and I were joking about things being “the” We had a great laugh, and then M brought up “the shizzle.” Things got a little weird at that point. Let’s just say I have had the strangest saying stuck in my head since then.

“Fo’ shizzle my nizzle the”

I just can’t wait until J and our other future children are teenagers and M and I will be able to embarrass them in front of their friends. M will have the chance to embarrass teenagers much sooner than I will because he will be a junior high math teacher next year. He’s going to be great! Fo’ shizzle!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. You guys are funny! I didn't realize M was going to be through with school so soon! That's fabulous!
