Thursday, February 4, 2016

Funny Random Thought for the Day.

I was out with my family, driving around town when we passed a junior high school. The saying on the school sign read, "Wrestling is the" I read it to my husband and we laughed. It was so obviously thought up by a teacher since that particular saying has not been “en vogue” since the 1990’s when my husband and I were in junior high and high school.

The rest of the drive my husband and I were joking about things being “the” We had a great laugh, and then M brought up “the shizzle.” Things got a little weird at that point. Let’s just say I have had the strangest saying stuck in my head since then.

“Fo’ shizzle my nizzle the”

I just can’t wait until J and our other future children are teenagers and M and I will be able to embarrass them in front of their friends. M will have the chance to embarrass teenagers much sooner than I will because he will be a junior high math teacher next year. He’s going to be great! Fo’ shizzle!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Provo Revisited

In December 2010 the Provo Tabernacle, a major landmark in the city of Provo, was tragically burned by an electrical fire. The entire building was gutted and the brick shell was left standing. It was heartbreaking for the residents of Provo, both those who were members of the LDS Church and those who were not. The building was used for religious meetings for several denominations as well as civic events. For over 100 years the building had stood on that spot, and was suddenly taken away.

I personally felt the loss of this historic building. I had lived in Provo for the majority of the previous 6 years. Every day as I drove to and from work I would drive by the Tabernacle. I attended meetings and concerts in the beautiful building. I admit, during some of those long meetings I would pay more attention to the woodwork, stained glass, and plaster painting details than I did to the speakers. The building had a special place in my heart.

One of my favorite things was when I drove by the Tabernacle and saw brides having their pictures taken around the beautiful building. I hoped that I would have the opportunity to have my wedding pictures taken next to that building as well.

I moved away from Provo only a few weeks later (coincidence only). I followed the news reports as the workers went through the rubble. I was ecstatic when President Monson announced that the LDS Church was going to rebuild the tabernacle and turn it into a Temple. I followed the rebuilding process online and anxiously awaited the time when I could attend the open house with my family.

Five years after I moved away I was able to return to Provo with my young family. While I had been away I was sealed in the temple and we had a little boy. (I wasn’t able to have wedding pictures taken at the Provo Tabernacle because it was under construction.) I had driven through a couple of times, but had not driven down the familiar streets since I had left.

I was surprised at how different things were since I left. I was sad to see some of my favorite places had gone. We drove past my old apartments and I told my husband stories about my former roommates and friends.

The new Provo City Center temple was more beautiful than I could have imagined. Great care was taken in the reconstruction to stay true to the original style of the building, in every aspect. From the door hinges to the exit signs and everything in between, it was gorgeous. I cried as I walked through the halls with my little family. I loved seeing the joy on my son’s face as he saw the beauty of each room.

It was an experience that is difficult to put in words. I was not expecting to feel such powerful emotions. I was so grateful that I was born in the Covenant and raised as a member of the LDS Church. I was, and still am, grateful that the love of my life cared enough for me and our future family to marry me in the Temple of the Lord for Time and Eternity.

However, I did not realize how grateful I truly am for these blessings until I drove with my family up to the original Provo Temple. It was there that I turned weekly, and sometimes biweekly, that I pleaded with my Father in Heaven for an eternal companion and children of my own. More tears and prayers than I can remember were spent inside that wonderful structure and to return to it after I had been so hugely blessed was humbling.

We had traveled down to Provo to walk through the new temple, but it was at the older temple that I truly felt at home. For so long I had been looking in the wrong place to find peace with the hard things I experienced while living in Provo.

I had been persecuted and emotionally abused by people I knew while I lived there. I looked for and prayed for real friends, and was blessed with a precious few. While I was there I believed that I had to be better, that nothing I did was ever good enough. I was wrong and the people who made me feel that way were also wrong.

When you rebuild yourself you need to stay true to who you are and who you have always been. Just like the rebuilding of the Tabernacle into a Temple, you need to find your inner strength and beauty in order to realize your full potential.

Friday, January 22, 2016

It Happened One Morning...

It started like any other morning. We went for a lovely walk through the neighborhood and baby J took a little nap. Then J woke up with teething pain. He cried and cried. We tried Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, teething rings, and finally gave him some ibuprofen. 

M was mostly the one trying to calm J down because I had decided to color my hair (it was before the crying started).  M's mom has been staying with us the past week and was also trying to help J quiet down. 

After I had showered and dressed I came out to the living room and picked J up. He immediately stopped crying. He even smiled when he saw me. We went to the couch and sat down. Then J reached up, touched my face and said, "Mama."

I thought my heart was going to explode! He has said it before when we've prompted him. "Say Mama," and then he would repeat, "Mama". For him to not only want me to comfort him and then to voluntarily call me Mama... unless you've been there you just don't know how amazing that feels.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

You won't believe it's Dairy-Free!

Some of you may know that my husband M and son J are allergic to all dairy products. M is able to tolerate small amounts from time to time, but J goes into anaphylactic shock every time he even tastes a dairy product. Fortunately, there haven’t been any hospital visits for J because of it. When M was a baby he was in and out of the ER on a regular basis.

So, in our home I am the only one who is able to enjoy the deliciousness of dairy. While that is fine for making food for myself, when cooking for M and eventually J, I need to have yummy recipes everyone can enjoy.

This isn’t a completely new concept to me. I have a brother who is lactose-intolerant so I have been subbing margarine for butter and water for milk in recipes since I was a teenager. However, there are some things that I’ve just not been able to find a decent substitute for. Until now…

I have discovered the best recipe for dairy-free sour “cream.” I have actually seen several different versions. I picked the common denominators in all of them and created my own version. When M tried it he was shocked to discover that it tasted exactly like real sour cream. I call it Cashew Cream.

With the holidays just ending, I was inspired to use my Cashew Cream in a recipe for homemade chip dip. M (and J) is not able to have chip dip because of the dairy in everything, and I cannot eat non-homemade dip because they contain MSG (gives me migraines).

This dip recipe is so amazingly good, M didn’t believe me at first when I said it was non-dairy. Truly! I had to list everything I put in it before he was satisfied that it really had no dairy products. M even insisted on giving some to J who is only 8 months old. It was amazing to see J’s reaction. He loves, I mean LOVES trying new foods (the only thing he hasn’t enjoyed was black beans but that’s a story for another time).

So, it is with great pride and pleasure that I share with you my recipes for DAIRY-FREE sour cream and chip dip.

Dairy-free Sour “Cream”
aka Cashew Cream
Makes approx. 1 cup

1 c raw cashews soaked in water (at least 2 hours)
½ c water
¼ c lemon juice
1 tsp nutritional yeast
½ tsp salt

Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix until it has a smooth consistency.
Good for 2 weeks when refrigerated. Tastes just like milk-based sour cream.

Dairy-free Dill Dip (for chips and veggies)
Makes approx. ¾ cup
½ c cashew cream
¼ c mayonnaise
½ tsp garlic salt
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp dill weed
Pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together in bowl. Enjoy! Good for 2 weeks when refrigerated (if it isn’t eaten first ;D).

For extra zing add 1/2 tsp paprika. Believe me, it's good.